What you'll learn:
Compiled Studies, Research & Articles on TurkesteroneTurkesterone Studies27 Biomedical Citations for TurkesteroneOther studiesReputable Turkesterone Articles on the InternetCompiled Studies, Research & Articles on Turkesterone
A lot of people complain about the lack of research when it comes to a novel compound like Turkesterone. When it comes down to it, Turkesterone is new, but there are studies backing up the claims.
Turkesterone Studies
This is complete list of the Turkesterone biomedical literature. We've detailed out every single possible bit of turkesterone literature available on the internet and summarized it here for you.
If you're looking for "research" - here you go:
27 Biomedical Citations for Turkesterone
Synthesis and biological activities of turkesterone 11alpha-acyl derivatives
Discussion on the biological interactions of turkesterone.
The minor ecdysteroids from Ajuga turkestanica
A comparison of the various ecdysteroids that exist.
🇷🇺[RUSSIAN] Effect of turkesterone and nerobol on the activity of the protein synthesizing system of mouse liver
Another Russian study on the liver synthesis in rats published in 1978
🇷🇺[RUSSIAN] Estimation of the hypoglycemic effect of phytoecdysteroids
A new(er) Russian study on the hypoglycemic effects of both ecdysterone and turkesterone.
Ecdysteroids from the underground parts of Rhaponticum acaule (L.) DC
A study of three new ecdysteroids isolated from a new plant (in addition to turkesterone and 20-hydroxyecdysone)
A study on the antimicrobial effects of turkesterone - including it's ability to help alleviate malaria fever symptoms.
A study on the abundance of various ecdysteroids in plants - including turkesterone.
🇷🇺 [RUSSIAN] Comparative study of the effect of ecdysterone, turkesterone and nerobol on the function of rat liver mitochondria in experimental diabetes
Another Russian article (this one from 1986) on the effect of turkesterone on rat liver function
Ecdysteroids from two Brazilian Vitex species
A study on new sister ecdysteroids extracted from plants similar to turkesterone.
Ecdysteroids of Vitex scabra stem bark
A study of a variety of ecdysteroids isolated from the Vitex plant
🇷🇺 [RUSSIAN] The results of experimental study of phytoecdysteroids as erythropoiesis stimulators in laboratory animals
Another Russian article (1997) discussing the red blood regeneration capabilities of turkesterone and the comparison to the anabolic compound nerobol.
A study of a novel ecdysteroid - vitexirone - a sister compound of turkesterone.
Additional minor ecdysteroid components of Leuzea carthamoides
A study of an additional 17 ecdysteroid style compounds.
🇨🇳 [CHINESE] Phytoecdysteroids of Rhaponticum uniflorum root
A 1991 Chinese study isolating Turkesterone and Ecdysterone from the root Rhaponticum uniflorum for the first time.
🇷🇺 [RUSSIAN] Stress-protective properties of phytoecdysteroids
A study in rats showing effects of ecdysteroids helping restore cholestoral and preventing glycogen decrease in stressed animals.
Ecdysteroid 7,9(11)-dien-6-ones as potential photoaffinity labels for ecdysteroid binding proteins
A study fo 3 ecdysteroids prepared by dehydrating more common ecdysteroids. This is primarly a study of the molecular and biological makeup of the compounds.
A study comparing turkesterone at 5mg/kg with nerobol at 10mg/kg int rats with experimental hepatitis showed improving alteraations in the membranes of liver mitochondria.
A study of various turkesterone and ecdysteroid supploements determining quality testing capabilities via chromatography.
A study showing the addition of turkesterone to rats with a lung disease seemed to improve their mechanisms responding to lung defense.
🇷🇺 [Russian] Mechanism of the anabolic action of phytoecdisteroids in mammals
A study on the mechanism of action of turkesterone and ecdysteroids in rats concluded that it's anabolic effect is not connected to the RNA synthesis process, but the accelleration of the translocation processes (how the body transmits ingredients and nutrients through the body).
A 1992 experiment dosing rats at 5mg/kg to rats with hepatitis appear to rapidly normalize metabolic disorders in the liver, and improve cholesterol excretion.
A 1985 experiment in rats at 5mg/kg dosage vs. 10mg/kg of rats with experimental diabetes normalized metabolic conditions of the rats liver mitochondria. Turkesterone normalized this in 7 days. Nerobol did the same in 14 days.
A 1992 study on rats with diabetes comparing 5mg/kg of turkesterone and 10mg/kg of nerobol showing normalization of free fatty acits, glycogen adn other functions of the liver.
🇷🇺 [RUSSIAN] Experimental study of pharmacotherapeutic effect of phytoecdisteroids and nerobol in toxic liver damage
A study comparing turkesterone and nerobol again on rats with renal pathology showed normalization of these procsses - similar to the action of nerobol.
Other studies
These studies will surface as referencing turkesterone, but in reality do not. Turkesterone appears in the meta data of the study, but not the text. This appears to be a data entry issue.
The effect on employees of violence climate in the workplace
Note: this study references turkesterone as a substance, but there is no actual reference to turkesterone in the actual study.
ACVR1 gene mutations in four Turkish patients diagnosed as fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Again, this reference turkesterone in the meta data, but does not mention turkesterone at all in the textual data.
Reputable Turkesterone Articles on the Internet
Turkesterone is not widely studied (yet), but there are some amazing promising studies about it's potential potent use. Here's some of the best ones we've found.
- Synthesis and biological activities of turkesterone 11α-acyl derivatives
- Turkesterone @
- Turkesterone for Strength & Recovery
- Turkesterone @
- Turkesterone on Ncats
- UPG on the Benefits of Turkesterone
- Immunomodulating and antistress activity of ecdysterone and turkesterone under immobilization-induced stress conditions in mice
We're constantly updating this with the latest research & citations on Turkesterone. Let us know if you find any that we haven't yet referenced.